Why Reinvent


why reinvent.

Why Reinvent? Good question. (this is where shit gets deep.)

People are always reinventing themselves, myself included. This website is about how I do this over the next year, as I approach 30.

I read a quote by Lord Chesterfield recently that summed up why I’m taking on this personal project: “If you have an hour, will you not improve that hour, instead of idling it away?”

You know that phrase, “make every day count”? well, it overwhelms me. I find people only use it in the face of tragedy, like when somebody dies. By the time the end of the day rolls around, you’re left wondering if you made it the best day possible, which can be impossible even at the best of times. Making EVERY HOUR better than the last seems so much more manageable to me – something to achieve several times each day. Oooh! It gives me goosebumps.  I effing love getting those.

I know one thing for sure: Women, at any age, are asking themselves, “what the hell do I do now?”

This blog is about how I asked myself that very question and decided to answer it.

5 responses to “Why Reinvent

  1. flatbrokegirl

    I’m in the process of pre-30s reinvention myself, and I’m so glad I’m not alone!

    I’m 28, and I’ve spent most of my adult life overweight. So, I’ve embarked on this mission — in the most hardcore way — to finally get the weight off. I’ve had enough. I’ve wasted my 20s, and I want to be one hot 30-year-old. I’ve tried numerous crash diets that failed, but this time, I’m not stopping. NEVER!

    But reinvention for me is complete and total misery! My legs are ready to break from running every day, for starters. I have to always keep in mind that the pain I feel physically is nothing compared to how deep the emotional pain will be if this weight problem gets worse.

    • You are so not alone girl. Trust me! That is one tough mission you’re on, but DO NOT GIVE UP. Keep your eye on the prize, and not just the physical one, but that process that you will inevitably go through as you REINVENT. It is so powerful. Every time you get yourself up to run, just remind yourself that you are running towards something – what’s on the other end of that run is a whole new outlook that will most definitely make what you think are you “wasted 20s” worthwhile.

      • flatbrokegirl

        Thank you so much! It’s been a rather “down day” for me today, so you were just the kick in the rear I needed!

        Maybe this will be the pinnacle of my 20s, so I can finally say, “Yeah, so I did this stupid stuff early on, but look what I did for one hell of a finale!”

  2. Geesh, I’m in the process of reinventing/recuperating from my first 3 years in my 30’s. By 35, please let me know wtf I’m doing.

    • Amen. If you happen to return to this comments area on this page (maybe?) would love to know how your 30th went. I’m on the fence between trying to stay positive and dread. Thoughts?

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