Advice to the former you.

Last night I started wondering (after the “Too young for kids. Too old for cramps” post) what advice I’d give to myself if I had the chance to meet a younger Me… from, say, 10 years back. I thought about it (but didn’t over think it… for once) and, on a whim, this is what I’d say:

-Care more about what you think of yourself than what you think others think of you. They’re probably drunk anyway.
-People who love you, really love you, won’t mind when you say “no”.
-Your tits won’t sit that high forever. Enjoy them. Seriously.
-Don’t let anyone talk down to you. Stand on a stool to tell them off if you have to, but don’t take shit. You are valuable and loved.
-You don’t have all the time in the world. Whatever you’re thinking about doing, do it now.
-That vest you can’t find isn’t stylish anymore. Stop looking.
-Remember who you are. Remind yourself everyday.
-Go with your gut. This applies to Chinese buffets, jobs, and anything to do with using your keyboard.

So, what advice would you give a younger you?

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Filed under Reinvention Inspiration

One response to “Advice to the former you.

  1. Angie

    In no particular order:

    -If it makes you happy, just do it, because life is short and we don’t know what tomorrow will bring.

    -Don’t try to change yourself to get people to like you. It happens all the time, you meet somebody and want to connect, but for some reason they don’t reciprocate. Their loss! Instead focus your energy on people who make you happy.

    -Eat your favourite foods while you can, because you might develop an allergy as you get older.

    That’s my advice to my younger me.

    Great job on the blog Sandy.

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